Thursday, October 1, 2009

Script Target On

| PHP-IRC v1.3 For Server Allnetwork
| ========================================================
| recording by jatimcom
| (c) 2007-2008
| ========================================

define ('CRLF', "\r\n");
$modbot=new module_bot;

#################### [ CONFIG BOT ] #######################

################# [ END CONFIG BOT ] ######################

#################### [ AUTH VAR ] #########################
$auth = array($Admin => array("name" => $Admin, "pass" => $BOT_PASSWORD, "auth" => 1,"status" => "Owner","ident"=>"","host"=>"","time",""));
################## [ END AUTH VAR ] #######################

###################### [ VAR VAR ] ########################
$zodiak = array("capricorn", "aquarius", "pisces", "aries", "taurus", "gemini", "cancer", "leo", "virgo", "libra", "scorpio", "sagitarius");
$ctcpversi=" 0,4«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» ";
$ctcpfinger=" 0,4«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» ";







$systembot['ping'][strtolower($bot['basechan'])]=" 4OFF ";
#################### [ END VAR VAR ] ######################

##################### [ CONNECT ] #####################
do {
$fp = fsockopen($bot['server'],$bot['port'], &$err_num, &$err_msg, 30);
if(!$fp) {
print "Sorry, the server " . $bot['server']. " is not currently available!".CRLF;
if ($attconnect >=$retry){
if($rtdc ==3){$bot['userver']=0;}elseif($rtdc >=4){$bot['ident']="say";$bot['userver']=0;$rtdc=0;}

####### REGISTER TO SERVER ########
if ($bot['userver']==1){$Header = 'PASS ' . $bot['pserver'] . CRLF;}
$Header .= 'NICK ' . $bot['nick'] . CRLF;
$Header .= 'USER ' . $bot['ident'] . ' ' . $bot['local'] . ' ' . $bot['server'] . ' :' . $bot['realname'];
unset ($Header);
#### END REGISTER ################
$response = '';
while (!feof($fp)) {

if(time()-$haltfl['time']>15 && $haltfl['on']==1){$haltfl['on']=0;$haltfl['time']=time();}
if(time()-$isontime >15 && $systembot['ISON']['ALL']==" 3ON "){$modbot->send($fp,"ISON ". $modbot->show_ison());$isontime=time();}
if($systembot['AUTOAWAY']['ALL']==" 3ON " && $inaway['status']==0){if(time()-$inaway['idle'] >=1800){$modbot->away($fp,$modbot->rnd_logo().' '.$modbot->rnd_away());$inaway['status']=1;$inaway['idle']=time();}}
if(time()-$iscy >$timercy){$modbot->auto_cy($fp);$iscy=time();}
$modbot->kick($fp,$chanboom,$targetboom,' 0,13Time Empty... BOOOOOOMMMM!!!!! ');


##[ Proses Data Recv ]##
$response = fgets($fp, 1024);
while (substr_count($response,CRLF) != 0) {
$offset = strpos($response, CRLF);
$DataLine = substr($response,0,$offset);
if (substr($DataLine,0,1) == ':') {
$Params=explode(" ",$DataLine);
$offsetC = strpos($DataLine, ' :');
$dText = substr($DataLine,$offsetC+2);
if ((strpos($Params[0],"!")!=0) && (strpos($Params[0],"@")!=0) ) {
switch ($Params[1]){
case "001":
case "004":
$modbot->msg($fp,"Nickserv",'identify '.$bot['inick']. ' '. $bot['pnick']);
$modbot->msg($fp,"Nickserv",'identify '. $bot['pnick']);sleep(1);
if($res_chan){$arres_chan=explode(";",$res_chan);foreach ($arres_chan as $clist){$modbot->join($fp,$clist,"");sleep(2);}}
case "303":
case "305":
case "306":
case "353":
case "367":
$modbot->notice($fp,$banlist["$Params[3]"],' 4[ 3+b 4] 1- 3'.$Params[4].' ');
case "368":
$modbot->notice($fp,$banlist["$Params[3]"],' 4E 1nd 4o 1f 4c 1hannel 4b 1an 4l 1ist ');
case "432":
case "433":
case "464":
case "465":
case "NICK":
$newnicke = str_replace(':','',$Params[2]);
$modbot->logoutbot($fsrc[nick]);$modbot->notice($fp,$newnicke,'You`re LogOut On Change Nick!');
case "JOIN":
if($fsrc[nkecil]==strtolower($greetmsg["$fsrc[nkecil]"]["nama"]) && $systembot['GREET'][strtoupper($addchan)]==" 3ON "){
$msgrndgreet=$rndgreet[rand(0,count($rndgreet) - 1)] ;
case "PART":
$modbot->logoutbot($fsrc[nick]);$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],'You`re LogOut On Parting Channel!');
case "KICK":
if($systembot['AUTOJOIN'][strtoupper($Params[2])]==' 3ON '){sleep(1);$modbot->msg($fp,"Chanserv",'UNBAN '.$Params[2].' '.$bot['nick']);sleep(1);$modbot->join($fp,$Params[2]);}
else{ $modbot->del_nickchan($Params[2],$Params[3]);}
case "QUIT":
case "NOTICE":
if($Params[3]==': PING'){
if($Params[3]==': VERSION'){
$modbot->msg($fp,$datversi[strtolower($fsrc[nick])]["chan"],' 15( 04 I nfo 15) 7'.$fsrc[nick].' '.$vernya);
if($Params[3]==': FINGER'){
$modbot->msg($fp,$datfinger[strtolower($fsrc[nick])]["chan"],' 15( 04 I nfo 15) 7'.$fsrc[nick].' '.$vernya);
if($Params[3]==': TIME'){
$modbot->msg($fp,$dattime[strtolower($fsrc[nick])]["chan"],' 15( 04 I nfo 15) 7'.$fsrc[nick].' '.$timenya);
case "PRIVMSG":
$TxtMsg=substr($DataLine,strpos($DataLine," :")+2);
unset($dCom);$dCom=explode(" ", $TxtMsg);$perintah=strtolower($dCom[0]);
if ( $Params[3]==": PING") {$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],$TxtMsg);}
elseif ($Params[3]==": VERSION ") { $modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],chr(1) . 'VERSION '. $ctcpversi . chr(1));}
elseif ($Params[3]==": FINGER ") { $modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],chr(1) . 'FINGER '. $ctcpfinger . chr(1));}
elseif ($Params[3]==": TIME ") { $timetoday = date("D M j H:i:s Y"); $modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],chr(1) . 'TIME '.$timetoday . chr(1));}
################ ANTI SLAPS ############
if($Params[3]==': ACTION' && ereg('#',$Params[2]) && $systembot['SLAPS'][strtoupper($Params[2])]==" 3ON "){
if(strpos(strtolower($TxtMsg),"slaps") || strpos(strtolower($TxtMsg),"slap")){
foreach ($auth as $ulist) {if($ulist["name"]){if(strpos(strtolower($TxtMsg),strtolower($ulist["name"]))){$onbos=1;}}}
############ END ANTI SLAPS ############
if (substr($Params[3],0,2)==':^'){
if (strtolower($dCom[0])=='^login' && $dCom[1]) {
if($logok==1){$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],"You`re Already Authorized!");}
$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],'You`re Authorized As '.$auth["$fsrc[nkecil]"]["status"].'!');
$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],'For help type .help');
if($systembot['AUTOAWAY']['ALL']==" 3ON " && $inaway['status']==1){$inaway['idle']=time();$inaway['status']=0;$modbot->noaway($fp);}
elseif (strtolower($dCom[0])=='^logout' && $logok==1) {
if($modbot->logoutbot($fsrc[nick])==1){$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],'You`re LogOut!');}
elseif (substr($Params[3],0,2)==':.'){
if (ereg('#',$Params[2])){$cmdin=1;$target=$Params[2];}else {$cmdin=2;$target=$fsrc[nick];}
if($systembot['AUTOAWAY']['ALL']==" 3ON " && $inaway['status']==1){$inaway['idle']=time();$inaway['status']=0;$modbot->noaway($fp);}
############### MULTI USER BOT ##############
if ($perintah=='.chgpass' && $dCom[1] && $dCom[2]) {
elseif ($perintah=='.adduser' && $dCom[1] && $dCom[1]!=$bot['nick'] && $dCom[2] && $dCom[3] && $getlvl > 1) {
elseif ($perintah=='.deluser' && $dCom[1] && $getlvl > 1) {
############# END MULTI USER BOT ############

elseif ($perintah=='.server' && $dCom[1] && $getlvl > 2){
$bot['server']=$dCom[1];$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],'ChANging SeRVeR To '. $dCom[1]);
elseif ($perintah=='.servpass' && $dCom[1] && $getlvl > 2){
$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],'ChANging PassWOrD SeRVeR To '. $dCom[1]);
elseif ($perintah=='.ident' && $dCom[1] && $getlvl > 2){
$bot['ident']=$dCom[1];$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],'ChANging IdentD To '. $dCom[1]);
elseif ($perintah=='.vhost' && $dCom[1] && $getlvl > 2){
$bot['local']=$dCom[1];$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],'ChANging VhosT To '. $dCom[1]);
elseif ($perintah=='.realname' && $dCom[1] && $getlvl > 2){
$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],'ChANging ReaLNaMe To '. $Rmsg);
elseif ($perintah=='.jump' && $getlvl > 2){
$keluar = 0;$modbot->quit($fp,$modbot->rnd_logo() .' ReSTaRt bY '.$fsrc[nick]);
########################## END CHG SER IDENT REAL ##########################

################################ #### ##################################
elseif ($perintah=='.botnick' && $getlvl > 1) {
$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],'My Nick Is :'.$bot['nick']);
elseif ($perintah=='.identnick' && $dCom[1] && $dCom[2] && $cmdin==2 && $getlvl > 1){
$bot['inick']=$dCom[1];$bot['pnick'] = $dCom[2];
$modbot->msg($fp,"Nickserv",'identify '.$bot['inick']. ' '. $bot['pnick']);
$modbot->msg($fp,"Nickserv",'identify '. $bot['pnick']);
$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],"Identify nick... to ".$dCom[1]);
elseif ($perintah=='.logoutnick' && $getlvl > 1){
$modbot->msg($fp,"Nickserv","logout");$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],"Logout nick");
elseif ($perintah=='.basechan' && $dCom[1] && $getlvl > 2){
$bchan=$dCom[1];if (!ereg("#",$dCom[1])) { $bchan="#".$dCom[1]; }
$modbot->part($fp,$bot['basechan'],$modbot->rnd_logo() . ' BaseChan cHanGE by ' . $frsc[nick]);
elseif ($perintah=='.botchan' && $dCom[1] && $dCom[2] && $getlvl > 3){
$bchan=$dCom[1];if (!ereg("#",$dCom[1])) { $bchan="#".$dCom[1]; }
elseif ($perintah=='.userlist' && $getlvl > 1) {
$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],'User List: '.$modbot->user_list($fp,$fsrc[nick]));
elseif ($perintah=='.chanlist' && $getlvl > 2) {
$datachan=str_replace(";"," ",$modbot->show_chan());$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],$datachan);$datachan="";unset($datachan);
elseif ($perintah=='.nicklist' && $dCom[1] && $getlvl > 2) {
$nchan=$dCom[1];if (!ereg("#",$dCom[1])) { $nchan="#".$dCom[1]; }
$datanick=explode(" ",$modbot->show_nickchan($nchan));
for ($i = 0; $i <= count($datanick); $i++) {
$limitshow++;$lnick_x=$lnick_x.' '.$datanick[$i];
elseif ($perintah=='.showison' && $getlvl > 2) {$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],$modbot->show_ison());}
elseif ($perintah=='.chanison' && $getlvl > 2) {$chanson=$dCom[1];$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],'ChanIson cHanGe To '.$dCom[1]);}
elseif ($perintah=='.settimercycle' && $dCom[1] && $getlvl > 2) {
$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],'Timer aUtO Cycle cHanGe To '.$dCom[1].' Second');
elseif ($perintah=='.settimermsg' && $dCom[1] && $getlvl > 2) {
$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],'Timer AutoMsg cHanGe To '.$dCom[1]. ' Second');
elseif ($perintah=='.settimeract' && $dCom[1] && $getlvl > 2) {
$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],'Timer AutoAction cHanGe To '.$dCom[1]. ' Second');
elseif($perintah=='.setversion' && $dCom[1] && $getlvl > 2){
$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],'VerSIoN cHanGe To '.$ctcpversi);
elseif($perintah=='.setfinger' && $dCom[1] && $getlvl > 2){
$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],'FiNGeR cHanGe To '.$ctcpfinger);
################################ #### ##################################

######################### CONTROL BOT #######################
elseif ($perintah=='.up' && $getlvl > 1 && $cmdin==1) {
$modbot->msg($fp,"Chanserv",'Op '.$Params[2].' '.$bot['nick']);
elseif ($perintah=='.down' && $getlvl > 1 && $cmdin==1) {
$modbot->mode($fp,"+v-ho",$Params[2],$bot['nick'].' '.$bot['nick'].' '.$bot['nick']);
elseif ($perintah=='.o' || $perintah=='.h' || $perintah=='.v' || $perintah=='.do' || $perintah=='.dh' || $perintah=='.dv'){
if ($getlvl > 1){
if ($perintah=='.o' || $perintah=='.h' || $perintah=='.v'){
$moden=strtolower(substr($dCom[0],1));$moden='+'.$moden . $moden . $moden;
elseif ($perintah=='.do' || $perintah=='.dh' || $perintah=='.dv'){
$moden=strtolower(substr($dCom[0],2));$moden='-'.$moden . $moden . $moden;
if ($cmdin==1){$ttarget=$Params[2];$tforce=$dCom[1];$tmore=$dCom[2].' '.$dCom[3];}
elseif($cmdin==2){$ttarget=$dCom[1];$tforce=$dCom[2];$tmore=$dCom[3].' '.$dCom[4];}
if ($tforce) { $vonick = $tforce; }else { $vonick = $fsrc[nick]; }
$modbot->mode($fp,$moden,$ttarget,$vonick.' '.$tmore);
elseif ($perintah=='.k' || $perintah=='.kb' || $perintah=='.kc') {
if($dCom[1] && $getlvl > 1){
if ($cmdin==1){$tdata=$dCom[1];$ttarget=$Params[2];$tkode=$dCom[0].' '.$dCom[1];}
elseif($cmdin==2){$tdata=$dCom[2];$ttarget=$dCom[1];$tkode=$dCom[0].' '.$dCom[1].' '.$dCom[2];}
$msg=substr($TxtMsg,strlen($tkode)+1); $msg=ltrim($msg);$msg=rtrim($msg);
elseif ($perintah=='.b' || $perintah=='.ub') {
if($getlvl > 1){
if ($cmdin==1){$ttarget=$Params[2];$tkode=$dCom[0];}
elseif($cmdin==2){$ttarget=$dCom[1];$tkode=$dCom[0].' '.$dCom[1];}
elseif ($perintah=='.j' && $dCom[1]) {
$jchan=$dCom[1];if (!ereg("#",$dCom[1])) { $jchan="#".$dCom[1]; }
elseif ($perintah=='.p' && $dCom[1]) {
if (!ereg("#",$dCom[1])) { $pchan="#".$dCom[1]; }
elseif ($perintah=='.cy' && $dCom[1]) {
if (!ereg("#",$dCom[1])) { $pchan="#".$dCom[1]; }
elseif ($perintah=='.a' || $perintah=='.s') {
if($dCom[1] && $getlvl > 1){
if ($cmdin==1){$ttarget=$Params[2];$tkode=$dCom[0];}
elseif($cmdin==2){$ttarget=$dCom[1];$tkode=$dCom[0].' '.$dCom[1];}
elseif ($perintah=='.away'){
elseif ($perintah=='.n' && $dCom[1]){$modbot->nick($fp,$dCom[1]);}
elseif ($perintah=='.q' && $getlvl > 3 ){

elseif ($perintah=='.ts' && $dCom[1] && $getlvl > 2){
###################### END CONTROL BOT #####################

################################ SYSTEM ###################################
elseif ($perintah=='.status' && $getlvl > 2 && $cmdin==1 ){
if (!ereg("#",$chan)){$chan="#".$chan;}
if($systembot['TIME'][$chan]==" 3ON "){$modb.=' [ 4T ]iME';}
if($systembot['ASTRO'][$chan]==" 3ON "){$modb.=' [ 4A ]sTRo';}
if($systembot['PING'][$chan]==" 3ON "){$modb.=' [ 4P ]iNG';}
if($systembot['BOM'][$chan]==" 3ON "){$modb.=' [ 4B ]oM';}
if($systembot['SPOOF'][$chan]==" 3ON "){$modb.=' SPoo[ 4F ]';}
if($systembot['KSLANG'][$chan]==" 3ON "){$modb.=' [ 4K ]SlaNG';}
if($systembot['VERSION'][$chan]==" 3ON "){$modb.=' V[ 4E ]rSIoN';}
if($systembot['FINGER'][$chan]==" 3ON "){$modb.=' [ 4F ]iNGeR';}
if($systembot['ISON']['ALL']==" 3ON "){$modb.=' [ 4I ]soN';}
if($systembot['GREET'][$chan]==" 3ON "){$modb.=' [ 4G ]rEEt';}
if($systembot['AUTOAWAY']['ALL']==" 3ON "){$modb.=' AUtoA[ 4W ]ay';}
if($systembot['AUTOCYCLE'][$chan]==" 3ON "){$modb.=' AuTO[ 4C ]YcLE';}
if($systembot['AUTOJOIN'][$chan]==" 3ON "){$modb.=' AuTo[ 4J ]oIN';}
if($modb==""){$modb="[ 4 PA ]RKiR [ 4 NI ]c[ 4 K ]";}
$modbot->act($fp,$Params[2],'iS MODeS '.$modb.' FoR [ 2'.strtoupper($chan).' ]');
elseif (substr($perintah,0,2)=='.+' || substr($perintah,0,2)=='.-'){
if(substr($perintah,1,1)=='+'){$onoff=" 3ON ";}elseif(substr($perintah,1,1)=='-'){$onoff=" 4OFF ";};
elseif($cmdin==2 && $dCom[1]){$targetsys=$dCom[1];$sysok=1;}
if (!ereg("#",$targetsys)){$targetsys="#".$targetsys;}
if($wsys=='PING' && $sysok==1 && $getlvl > 2){
$systembot['PING'][strtoupper($targetsys)]= $onoff;$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],'PING '. strtoupper($targetsys).' is [ 4'.strtoupper($systembot['PING'][strtoupper($targetsys)]).' ]');
if($wsys=='VERSION' && $sysok==1 && $getlvl > 2){
$systembot['VERSION'][strtoupper($targetsys)]= $onoff;$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],'VERSION '. strtoupper($targetsys).' is [ 4'.strtoupper($systembot['VERSION'][strtoupper($targetsys)]).' ]');
if($wsys=='TIME' && $sysok==1 && $getlvl > 2){
$systembot['TIME'][strtoupper($targetsys)]= $onoff;$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],'TIME '. strtoupper($targetsys).' is [ 4'.strtoupper($systembot['TIME'][strtoupper($targetsys)]).' ]');
if($wsys=='FINGER' && $sysok==1 && $getlvl > 2){
$systembot['FINGER'][strtoupper($targetsys)]= $onoff;$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],'FINGER '. strtoupper($targetsys).' is [ 4'.strtoupper($systembot['FINGER'][strtoupper($targetsys)]).' ]');
if($wsys=='ISON' && $sysok==1 && $getlvl > 2){
$systembot['ISON']['ALL']= $onoff;$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],'ISON is [ 4'.strtoupper($systembot['ISON']['ALL']).' ]');
if($wsys=='ASTRO' && $sysok==1 && $getlvl > 2){
$systembot['ASTRO'][strtoupper($targetsys)]= $onoff;$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],'ASTRO '. strtoupper($targetsys).' is [ 4'.strtoupper($systembot['ASTRO'][strtoupper($targetsys)]).' ]');
if($wsys=='SPOOF' && $sysok==1 && $getlvl > 2){
$systembot['SPOOF'][strtoupper($targetsys)]= $onoff;$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],'SPOOF '. strtoupper($targetsys).' is [ 4'.strtoupper($systembot['SPOOF'][strtoupper($targetsys)]).' ]');
if($wsys=='DNS' && $sysok==1 && $getlvl > 2){
$systembot['DNS'][strtoupper($targetsys)]= $onoff;$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],'DNS '. strtoupper($targetsys).' is [ 4'.strtoupper($systembot['DNS'][strtoupper($targetsys)]).' ]');
if($wsys=='BOM' && $sysok==1 && $getlvl > 2){
$systembot['BOM'][strtoupper($targetsys)]= $onoff;$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],'BOM '. strtoupper($targetsys).' is [ 4'.strtoupper($systembot['BOM'][strtoupper($targetsys)]).' ]');
if($wsys=='GREET' && $sysok==1 && $getlvl > 2){
$systembot['GREET'][strtoupper($targetsys)]= $onoff;$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],'GREET '. strtoupper($targetsys).' is [ 4'.strtoupper($systembot['GREET'][strtoupper($targetsys)]).' ]');
if($wsys=='SMS' && $sysok==1 && $getlvl > 2){
$systembot['SMS'][strtoupper($targetsys)]= $onoff;$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],'SMS '. strtoupper($targetsys).' is [ 4'.strtoupper($systembot['SMS'][strtoupper($targetsys)]).' ]');
if($wsys=='SLAPS' && $sysok==1 && $getlvl > 2){
$systembot['SLAPS'][strtoupper($targetsys)]= $onoff;$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],'SLAPS '. strtoupper($targetsys).' is [ 4'.strtoupper($systembot['SLAPS'][strtoupper($targetsys)]).' ]');
if($wsys=='KSLANG' && $sysok==1 && $getlvl > 2){
$systembot['KSLANG'][strtoupper($targetsys)]= $onoff;$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],'KSLANG '. strtoupper($targetsys).' is [ 4'.strtoupper($systembot['KSLANG'][strtoupper($targetsys)]).' ]');
if($wsys=='AUTOCYCLE' && $sysok==1 && $getlvl > 2){
$systembot['AUTOCYCLE'][strtoupper($targetsys)]= $onoff;$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],'AUTOCYCLE '. strtoupper($targetsys).' is [ 4'.strtoupper($systembot['AUTOCYCLE'][strtoupper($targetsys)]).' ]');
if($wsys=='AUTOJOIN' && $sysok==1 && $getlvl > 2){
$systembot['AUTOJOIN'][strtoupper($targetsys)]= $onoff;$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],'AUTOJOIN '. strtoupper($targetsys).' is [ 4'.strtoupper($systembot['AUTOJOIN'][strtoupper($targetsys)]).' ]');
if($wsys=='AUTOAWAY' && $sysok==1 && $getlvl > 2){
$systembot['AUTOAWAY']['ALL']= $onoff;$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],'AUTOAWAY is [ 4'.strtoupper($systembot['AUTOAWAY']['ALL']).' ]');
if($wsys=='LISTGREET' && $dCom[1] && $dCom[2] && $getlvl > 2){
if($onoff==" 3ON "){
$ddc=strtolower($dCom[1]);$greetmsg["$ddc"]["nama"]=$dCom[1];$mgreet=str_replace($dCom[0]." ".$dCom[1]." ","",$TxtMsg);
$greetmsg["$ddc"]["msg"]=$mgreet;$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],'Auto Greet For :'.$greetmsg["$ddc"]["nama"]);
$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],'Auto Greet Msg :'.$greetmsg["$ddc"]["msg"]);
}else{$eel=strtolower($dCom[1]);unset($greetmsg["$eel"]["nama"]);unset($greetmsg["$eel"]["msg"]);$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],'Delete Greet For :'.$eel);}
if($wsys=='LISTISON' && $dCom[1] && $getlvl > 2){
if($onoff==" 3ON "){
if($modbot->add_ison($dCom[1])==1){$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],$dCom[1] . ' is now in my list');}
else{$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],$dCom[1] . ' is already in my list');}
else{if($modbot->del_ison($dCom[1])==1){$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],$dCom[1] . ' has been deleted');}}
################################ SYSTEM ###################################

elseif (substr($Params[3],0,2)==':!'){
if (strtolower($Params[3])==':!ping' && ereg('#',$Params[2]) && $systembot['PING'][strtoupper($Params[2])]==" 3ON ") {
if(strtolower($dCom[1])=='me'){$modbot->stuf_ping($fp,$Params[2],$fsrc[nick]);}else {$modbot->stuf_ping($fp,$Params[2],$dCom[1]);}
elseif (strtolower($Params[3])==':!version' && ereg('#',$Params[2]) && $systembot['VERSION'][strtoupper($Params[2])]==" 3ON ") {
$modbot->msg($fp,$Params[4],' VERSION ');$datversi[strtolower($Params[4])]["nick"]=strtolower($Params[4]);$datversi[strtolower($Params[4])]["chan"]=$Params[2];
}else{$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],'Perintah salah! Ketik !version <nick> ');}
elseif (strtolower($Params[3])==':!time' && ereg('#',$Params[2]) && $systembot['TIME'][strtoupper($Params[2])]==" 3ON ") {
$modbot->msg($fp,$Params[4],' TIME ');$dattime[strtolower($Params[4])]["nick"]=strtolower($Params[4]);$dattime[strtolower($Params[4])]["chan"]=$Params[2];}
else{$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],'Perintah salah! Ketik !time <nick> ');}
elseif (strtolower($Params[3])==':!finger' && ereg('#',$Params[2]) && $systembot['FINGER'][strtoupper($Params[2])]==" 3ON ") {
$modbot->msg($fp,$Params[4],' FINGER ');$datfinger[strtolower($Params[4])]["nick"]=strtolower($Params[4]);$datfinger[strtolower($Params[4])]["chan"]=$Params[2];
}else{$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],'Perintah salah! Ketik !finger <nick> ');}
elseif (strtolower($Params[3])==':!dns' && ereg('#',$Params[2]) && $systembot['DNS'][strtoupper($Params[2])]==" 3ON ") {
if (ereg("[a-zA-Z]", $dCom[1])) {$res = gethostbyname($dCom[1]);}
elseif (ereg("[0-9]", $dCom[1])) {$res = gethostbyaddr($dCom[1]);}
if ($res==$dCom[1]) { $res = "not resolved."; }
else { $res = "resolved to: $res ."; }
$modbot->msg($fp,$Params[2],'DNS Query for: '.$dCom[1] . ' ' .$res);
}else{$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],'Perintah salah! Ketik !dns <host> ');}
elseif (strtolower($Params[3])==':!astro' && ereg('#',$Params[2]) && $systembot['ASTRO'][strtoupper($Params[2])]==" 3ON ") {
$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],' 15( 04 A stro 15) '. $modbot->mod_astro($dCom[1]));
$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],'Perintah salah! Ketik :!astro <bintang>');
elseif (strtolower($Params[3])==":!spoof" && ereg('#',$Params[2]) && $systembot['SPOOF'][strtoupper($Params[2])]==" 3ON ") {
if ($Params[5]<=$jmlspoof["$spoofnya"] && $Params[5]>0){
fputs($fp,'PRIVMSG '.$Params[2].' : 15( 04 S poof 15) Ident: 4' . $isisp["$Params[5]"]["$spoofnya"]["ident"] .' Spoof: 4' . $isisp["$Params[5]"]["$spoofnya"]["spoof"] .' Passw: 4' . $isisp["$Params[5]"]["$spoofnya"]["pass"].' '. CRLF);
else {$modbot->notice($fp,$frsc[nick],' 15( 04 S poof 15) Request Error');}
elseif (strtolower($Params[3])==":!kslang" && ereg('#',$Params[2]) && $systembot['KSLANG'][strtoupper($Params[2])]==" 3ON ") {
$ktslsl=str_replace($Params[3]." ".$Params[4]." ","",":".$TxtMsg);
if($Params[4]<=$kmjml[strtolower($ktslsl)] && $Params[4]>0){
foreach ($defedan as $darredan) {
$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],' 15( 04 A rti 15) '.$darredan);
$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],' 15( 04 A rti 15) '.$kmusedan[$nomere]["definisi"][strtolower($ktslsl)]);
foreach ($defedan as $darredan) {
$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],' 15( 04 C th 15) '.$darredan);
$modbot->notice($fp,$fsrc[nick],' 15( 04 C th 15) '.$kmusedan[$nomere]["contoh"][strtolower($ktslsl)]);
fputs($fp,'PRIVMSG '.$Params[2].' : 15( 04 KS lang 15) Request Error'. CRLF);

elseif (strtolower($Params[3])==':!update' && ereg('#',$Params[2]) && $Params[5]) {
if($typeup=='spoof' && $systembot['SPOOF'][strtoupper($Params[2])]==" 3ON "){
$modbot->msg($fp,$Params[2],' 15( 04 S poof 15) Update Complete! FOUND :'.$modbot->mod_uspoof($fp,$Params[5]).' Spoof');
elseif($typeup=='kslang' && $systembot['KSLANG'][strtoupper($Params[2])]==" 3ON "){
$ktslsl=str_replace($Params[3]." ".$Params[4]." ","",":".$TxtMsg);
$modbot->msg($fp,$Params[2],' 15( 04 KS lang 15) Update Complete! FOUND :'.$modbot->mod_uslang($fp,$ktslsl).' Arti');
elseif (strtolower($Params[3])==":!bom" && ereg('#',$Params[2]) && $Params[4] && $systembot['BOM'][strtoupper($Params[2])]==" 3ON ") {
elseif (strtolower($Params[3])==":!potong" && ereg('#',$Params[2]) && $Params[4] && $systembot['BOM'][strtoupper($Params[2])]==" 3ON ") {
########### NET ############
elseif (substr($Params[3],0,3)==':~@' && strtolower($Params[2])==strtolower($bot['roomnet'])){
elseif ( substr($DataLine,0,4) == 'PING' ) {$modbot->send($fp,'PONG ' . substr($DataLine,5));}
$response ="";
##[ End Proses Data Recv ]##
fclose ($fp);
unset ($fp);
} while ($keluar==0);
################### [ END CONNECT ] ###################

################### [ CLASS IRC BOT ] #####################
class module_bot{
function rnd_logo(){
$nlogo=array(" 15( 1 ? 15) "," 15( 2 ? 15) ",
" 15( 3 ? 15) "," 15( 4 ? 15) ",
" 15( 5 ? 15) "," 15( 7 ? 15) ",
" 15( 12 ? 15) "," 15( 14 ? 15) "
return $nlogo[rand(0,count($nlogo) - 1)];
function rnd_nick(){
$nickbot=array("Rain", "Co^Mod", "Sang-Hati", "ceWek`sWeet", "YuSakun", "Dora-kecil", "adminchan", "Clark", "bang`tolip", "Guest",
"ritaM4nis", "Narut0", "k4k4shi", "DiAn", "ce`Manja", "ce^gresik", "ArekSMA", "[K]Desa", "^Kagome", "Kimi_No_Yume", "Utada_hikaru",
"ErrChan","As-Tech","dh4ni", "tiara-21", "mai_kuraki", "brontok", "Conan", "dora_sedih", "Bunda_Noer_a-ini", "B-Yuk^Jr", "con[a]n`xs", "A-Riise", "Lampard",
"ZumiZola", "Contiex`s", "sh[a]nie", "[A]ntI", "aRiel", "armY", "L2-Mas", "N[-]Cus", "F[and]I", "Tom`Cruise", "E-mail", "E-rix", "E-one", "shepthy",
"Sry`nTeall", "Fan7ka", "Mil`Ach", "V-Three", "G-Dank", "Die[a]ch", "Phia`e", "T-Cool", "L3ili3", "ilham_JK^n2t", "Wike", "Jaros^Jr", "Wo^[a]ini",
"Me2T", "Bud2", "Ci2K", "E-Cho^e", "O2-c", "Iy[oo]ed", "R-elf", "[Y]u[S]t", "V``Th[a]", "Mr_Superman", "Mrs_Dora", "Mr_ShamoHung", "Mrs_Ampere", "Mr_Tukul",
"Mr_Solar", "Mr_Patekul", "Mr_Tourre", "Mrs_Olief", "Ketupat^[GENDUT]", "[B]ungah", "[S]idayu", "cecep`s", "[R]aja[T]ega", "TinaToon", "kop[r]al", "Sima`S",
"Mb[o_o]let", "Marrie", "[L]ea", "chilis", "The[D]octor|II7|", "Antar_Kau_Dan_Aku", "musaddad", "danny[Z]", "Skber_Boy", "mariana", "melarat", "Cow[P]ilek",
"YbOT", "[Bot]ulism", "Franciss", "ChairilAnwar", "Reyang", "Seln", "Pak^haji", "Bu-Guru", "Hana","SnoOp",
"korupt[oooo]r", "masuda", "[R]an", "[S]hinichi", "kindaici", "pak-sby", "[J]agung", "[C]hiluc", "aisyah","BadBoy","BotEdan","Ampun-Dc","SiUsil",
return $nickbot[rand(0,count($nickbot) - 1)];
function rnd_ident(){
return $identbot[rand(0,count($identbot) - 1)];
function rnd_real(){
$realbot=array(" 0,4«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» "
return $realbot[rand(0,count($realbot) - 1)];
function rnd_away(){
$awaybot=array(" 0,4«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» ");
return $awaybot[rand(0,count($awaybot) - 1)];
function rnd_cycle(){
$strcycle=array(" 0,4«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» "
return $strcycle[rand(0,count($strcycle) - 1)];
function rnd_flod(){
$strflod=array(" 1* kO 2pEt 3* ?! K 4oPe 5T ! ?# 6kOpE 7t # ?[ 1 KoP 9eT ] 10 ?{ kO 11pEt } 12 ?% Ko 13PeT 14% ?@ kO 15pEt @ ? 1* kOp 12Et 3* ?! Ko 4PeT 5! ?# kO 6pEt # 7 ?[ Ko 8PeT ] 9 ?{ kOp 10Et } 11 ?% Ko 12PeT 13% ?@ kO 14pEt 15@ ?* kO 1pEt 2* ?! KoP 3eT ! ? 4# kOp 5Et # ? 6[ KoP 7eT ] ?{ 8 kOp 9E t 10} ?% Ko 11PeT % ? 12@ kO 13pEt 14@ ? 1* kO 2pEt 3* ?! K 4oPe 5T ! ?# 6kOpE 7t # ?[ 8 KoP 9eT ] 10 ?{ kO 11pEt } 12 ?% Ko 13PeT 14% ?@ kO 15pEt @ ? 1* kOp 12Et 3* ?! Ko 4PeT 5! ?# kO 6pEt # 7 ?[ Ko 8PeT ] 9 ?{ kOp10Et } 11 ?% Ko 12PeT 13% ?@ kO 14pEt 15@ ?* kO 1pEt 2* ?! KoP 3eT ! ? 4# kOp 5Et # ? 6[ KoP 7eT ] ?{ 8 kOp 9E t 10} ?% Ko 11PeT % ? 12@ kO 13pEt 14@ ? 1* kO 2pEt 3* ?! K 4oPe 5T ! ?# 6kOpE 7t # ?[ 8 KoP 9eT ] 10 ?{ kO 11pEt } 12 ?% Ko 13PeT 14% ?@ kO 15pEt @ ? 1* kOp 12Et 3* ?! Ko 4PeT 5! ?# kO 6pEt #",
" 4,11Be BeK 5 aD uS 6 kAl I 12W ekZ 13Wek Z 14We k 1ZW ek 15 Wek Z 7Wek Z 9,1B eBe K 13aD uS 12k AlI 4We kZW 11e kZ We 2k ZWe 7k We k 9ZWe k 10Z 8,2Be BeK a 11D uS kA 9lI We 7k ZWe 0k Z We kZ 11We k W e 8kZ We 13kZ 13,9Be Be 1K aD 12u S kA l 3I We 4k ZWe 7kZ Wek 4Z Wek W 2e kZW e 11kZ 12,4 BeB 14e K aD 15u S kA l 5I Wek Z 6We kZ W ek 1ZWek We k 12ZWe k 13Z 11,6 Be 1B eK a Du 2S kA l 3I We 4k ZWe 5k Z We k 7ZWe k 8We kZ 9W ek 10Z 0,14Be BeK 14a DuS k 13Al I W 9e kZ W 4ek Z 11We k 7ZW ek W 8e kZW 9e kZ 4,11B e BeK a 12D uS 3kA l 6I W ek 5ZW ek 15Z We 13kZ Wek W 9ekZ W 2ek Z 9,1B eBe K a 14D uS k 14AlI W 13e kZW e 12kZ W e 11kZW ek 10Wek Z 9We kZ 8,2Be BeK 7aD uS 6k AlI 5 W ek 4Z Wek Z 3 We k 2ZW ek 1W ekZ W 15ek Z 13,9 Be 14B eK 13a DuS k 12A lI W e 10kZW ek 14Z We 8kZ Wek 7 WekZ W 6ek Z 12,7 BeBe K 8aDu S 13kA lI 6We kZ 5Wek Z 4 Wek 3Z Wek 2 We kZ 1W ekZ",
" H a H a !Ha Ha Ha!Ha Ha Ha!H a H a !H a H a !Ha Ha Ha!Ha Ha Ha!H a H a !H a H a !Ha Ha Ha!Ha Ha Ha!H a H a !Ha Ha Ha!Ha Ha Ha!H a H a !Ha Ha Ha!Ha Ha Ha!H a H a !Ha Ha Ha!Ha Ha Ha!H a H a !Ha Ha Ha!Ha Ha Ha!H a H a !Ha Ha Ha!Ha Ha Ha!H a H a !Ha Ha Ha!Ha Ha Ha!H a H a !Ha Ha Ha!Ha Ha Ha!H a H a !Ha Ha Ha!Ha Ha Ha!H a H a !Ha Ha Ha!Ha Ha Ha!H a H a !Ha Ha Ha!Ha Ha Ha!H a H a !Ha Ha Ha!Ha H a H H a H a !Ha Ha Ha!Ha Ha Ha!H a H a !Ha Ha Ha!Ha Ha Ha!H a H a !Ha Ha Ha!H a H a !Ha Ha Ha!H a H a !Ha Ha Ha!Ha Ha Ha!H a H a !Ha Ha Ha!Ha Ha Ha!H a H a !Ha Ha Ha!Ha Ha Ha!H a H a !Ha Ha Ha!H a H a !Ha Ha Ha!H a H a !Ha ",
" 9,3 hiy A 5,4hI yA 6,11hIy A 7,6 hiy A 8,7hI yA 9,3 hiy A 4,8hIy A 9,3 hiy A 5,4hI yA 6,11hIy A 7,6 hiy A 8,7hI yA 9,3 hiy A 4,8hIy A 9,3 hiy A 5,4hI yA 6,11hIy A 7,6 hiy A 8,7hI yA 9,3 hiy A 4,8hIy A 9,3 hiy A 5,4hI yA 6,11hIy A 7,6 hiy A 8,7hI yA 9,3 hiy A 4,8hIy A 9,3 hiy A 5,4hI yA 6,11hIy A 7,6 hiy A 8,7hI yA 9,3 hiy A 4,8hIy A 9,3 hiy A 5,4hI yA 6,11hIy A 7,6 hiy A 8,7hI yA 9,3 hiy A 4,8hIy A 9,3 hiy A 5,4hI yA 6,11hIy A 7,6 hiy A 8,7hI yA 9,3 hiy A 4,8hIy A 9,3 hiy A 5,4hI yA 6,11hIy A 7,6 hiy A 8,7hI yA 9,3 hiy A 4,8hIy A 9,3 hiy A 5,4hI yA 6,11hIy A 7,6 hiy A 8,7hI yA 9,3 hiy A 4,8hIy A 9,3 hiy A 5,4hI yA 6,11hIy A 7,6 hiy A 8,7hI yA 9,3 hiy A 4,8hIy A 9,3 hiy A",
" @% @? @% @? @% @?@% @?@% @?@% @?@% @?@ %@?@ %@?@ %@?@ %@?* @% @? @% @? @% @?@% @?@% @?@% @?@% @?@ %@?@ %@?@ %@?@ %@?* @% @? @% @? @% @?@% @?@% @?@% @?@% @?@ %@?@ %@?@ %@?@ %@?* @% @? @% @? @% @?@% @?@% @?@% @?@% @?@ %@?@ %@?@ %@?@ %@?* @% @? @% @? @% @?@% @?@% @?@% @?@% @?@ %@?@ %@?@ %@?@ %@?* @% @? @% @? @% @?@% @?@% @?@% @?@% @?@ %@?@ %@?@ %@?@ %@?* @% @? @% @? @% @?@% @?@% @?@% @?@% @?@ %@?@ %@?@ %@?@ %@?* @% @? @% @? @% @?@% @?@% @?@% @?@% @?@ %@?@ %@?@ %@?@ %@?* @% @? @% @? @% @?@% @?@% @?@% @?@% @?@ %@?@ %@?@ %@?@ %@?* @% @? @% @? @% @?@% @?@% @?@% @?@% @?@ %@?@ %@?@ %@?@ %@?* @% @? @% @",
" 12,8M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H??M??????H ??M??????H ??M??????H ??M??????H ??M??????H ??M??????H ??M??????H ??M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H 12M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? 12M??????H?? M??????H?? M?????H?? 12M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H?? 12M??????H?? M??????H?? M??????H??"
return $strflod[rand(0,count($strflod) - 1)];
function rnd_slapampun(){
$sampunbot=array("bos mojok yuk!","Am was Here My Owner!! no slaps OK!!","sini? pm aq bos","kenapa bos?!!","wedew","muach..muach...","ciatsssss... hehehe..","slap? pingin di tium ta?","ampun bosss, aku ndak nakal lagi","siaaaappp bos, ada yang bisa saya buantingin? piring, gelas gtu..",
"hiks..nasib?","jadi tukang slap ya, bos?","edan!!!","mama... tolong....","papa... tolong...","ada apa bos!!!, slap? ra ngerti sik kojom apa?","watauuu tega banget kau boss!!!","Siap!!!","aku di sini sayang","lagi enak? kojom dislap ikz.",
"Ready!!","aduh...jangan di slap dong.. pv aja","iya sayang...","Boss JELEK!!!","Ready to command!","scream!!!!","mama... bos Q jahat!","jahat banget sihh..","What Mission?");
return $sampunbot[rand(0,count($sampunbot) - 1)];
function rnd_slapme(){
$slapme=array("egk boleh slap ya say...","tak ada ampun buat loh!","nangisooo ae... 4Dont Slap Me!! ","heheheh ciatsssssssssss. tendangan jet lee","Rasakan ini...","Dudutz","yeee...pv aja, gk usah pake slap..");
return $slapme[rand(0,count($slapme) - 1)];
function rnd_slapbos(){
$slapbos=array("huneQ jangan dislap!!","Dont slap my bos!!","Kacian Bos Tauw!!!","bosQ masih sibuk","bosQ lagi tidur, mohon jangan di ganggu"," 2 HaKz DeZz.. "," 2 Awas..!!! "," 2 eiT's.. "," 2 HayOo NaKaLs.. ","jangan ganggu boskuuuuuu","ra ngerti bos lagi sibuk apa... ciattttttttttt jwedak");
return $slapbos[rand(0,count($slapbos) - 1)];
#### MODULE IRC #######

function send($sock,$msg){fputs($sock,"$msg".CRLF); }
function quit($sock,$msg){if($msg){$this->send($sock,"QUIT :$msg");} else {$this->send($sock,"QUIT");}sleep(1); }
function msg($sock,$to,$msg){$this->send($sock,"PRIVMSG $to :$msg");}
function act($sock,$to,$msg){$this->send($sock,'PRIVMSG '.$to.' :'.' ACTION '.$msg.' ');}
function invite($sock,$to,$chan){$this->send($sock,"INVITE $to $chan");}
function notice($sock,$to,$msg){$this->send($sock,"NOTICE $to :$msg");}
function join($sock,$chan,$kunci=Null){$this->send($sock,"JOIN $chan $kunci"); }
function part($sock,$chan,$msg){if($msg){$this->send($sock,"PART $chan :$msg");} else {$this->send($sock,"PART $chan");} }
function Cycle($sock,$chan,$msg){ if ($msg){$this->part($sock,$chan,$msg);}else{$this->part($sock,$chan,$msg);} sleep(2); $this->join($sock,$chan); }
function nick($sock,$newnick){$this->send($sock,"NICK $newnick"); }
function mode($sock,$mod,$chan,$who){$this->send($sock,"MODE $chan $mod $who"); }
function kick($sock,$chan,$who,$msg){if($msg){$this->send($sock,"KICK $chan $who :$msg");}else{$this->send($sock,"KICK $chan $who");} }
function kickserv($sock,$chan,$who,$msg){$this->msg($sock,"CHANSERV","KICK $chan $who $msg"." "); }
function ban($sock,$chan,$who){$this->mode($sock,$chan,"+b ".$who); }
function unban($sock,$chan,$who){$this->mode($sock,$chan,"-b ".$who); }
function away($sock,$msg){$this->send($sock,"AWAY :$msg"); }
function noaway($sock){$this->send($sock,"AWAY"); }
function topic($sock,$chan,$msg){$this->send($sock,"TOPIC $chan $msg"); }

function add_nickchan($chan,$nick){
global $user_chan_arr;
$user_chan_arr[strtolower($chan)]["nick"] = $user_chan_arr[strtolower($chan)]["nick"].' '.$nick. ' ';
$user_chan_arr[strtolower($chan)]["nick"]=str_replace(" "," ",$user_chan_arr[strtolower($chan)]["nick"]);
return "ok";
function change_nickchan($nick,$newnick){
global $user_chan_arr;
foreach ($user_chan_arr as $cur_xchan) {
$user_chan_arr[strtolower($x_chan)]["nick"]=str_replace(' '.$nick.' ',' '.$newnick.' ',$user_chan_arr[strtolower($x_chan)]["nick"]);
$user_chan_arr[strtolower($x_chan)]["nick"]=str_replace(' ',' ',$user_chan_arr[strtolower($x_chan)]["nick"]);
$user_chan_arr[strtolower($x_chan)]["nick"]=str_replace(' ','',$user_chan_arr[strtolower($x_chan)]["nick"]);
return "ok";
function del_nickchan($chan,$nick){
global $user_chan_arr;
$user_chan_arr[strtolower($chan)]["nick"]=str_replace(' '.$nick.' ',' ',$user_chan_arr[strtolower($chan)]["nick"]);
$user_chan_arr[strtolower($chan)]["nick"]=str_replace(" "," ",$user_chan_arr[strtolower($chan)]["nick"]);
return "ok";
function show_nickchan($chan){
global $user_chan_arr;
return $res_nick;
function show_chan(){
global $user_chan_arr,$bot;
foreach ($user_chan_arr as $cur_xchan) {
return $res_chan;
function destroy_chan($chan){
global $user_chan_arr;
unset ($user_chan_arr[$chan]);
return "ok";
function destroy_allchan(){
global $user_chan_arr;
foreach ($user_chan_arr as $cur_xchan) {
unset ($user_chan_arr[$cur_xchan["chan"]]);
unset ($user_chan_arr);
return "ok";

function user_list($nick){
global $auth;
foreach ($auth as $ulist) {if($ulist["name"]){$userlist .= $ulist["name"].'('.$ulist["status"].')';}}
return $userlist;
function add_user($sock,$nick,$user,$pass,$level){
global $auth,$bot;
$nick = strtolower($nick);
$user = strtolower($user);
$level = strtolower($level);
if ($auth["$nick"]["auth"]==2) {
if ($auth["$nick"]["status"]=="Owner") {
if ($level=="master" || $level=="user" || $level="admin") {
$auth["$user"]["name"] = $user;
$auth["$user"]["pass"] = $pass;
$auth["$user"]["status"] = $level;
$auth["$user"]["auth"] = 1;
$this->notice($sock,$nick,'ADD [ '.$user.' ] '.$level.' LIsT');
$this->notice($sock,$user,' '.$anick.' ADD YoU To '.$level.' LIsT wiTh PaSSWoRd: '.$pass);
$this->notice($sock,$user,'/msg '.$bot['nick'].' ^login <password>');
$this->notice($sock,$nick,$user .' is already exist on '.$auth["$user"]["status"].' list.');
} else {$this->notice($sock,$nick,'Wrong Command! Type:.Adduser <nick> <pass> <admin|master|user>');}
elseif ($auth["$nick"]["status"]=="admin") {
if ($level=="master" || $level=="user") {
$auth["$user"]["name"] = $user;
$auth["$user"]["pass"] = $pass;
$auth["$user"]["status"] = $level;
$auth["$user"]["auth"] = 1;
$this->notice($sock,$nick,'ADD [ '.$user.' ] '.$level.' LIsT');
$this->notice($sock,$user,' '.$anick.' ADD YoU To '.$level.' LIsT wiTh PaSSWoRd: '.$pass);
$this->notice($sock,$user,'/msg '.$bot['nick'].' ^login <password>');
$this->notice($sock,$nick,$user .' is already exist on '.$auth["$user"]["status"].' list.');
} else {$this->notice($sock,$nick,'Wrong Command! Type:.Adduser <nick> <pass> <master|user>');}
elseif ($auth["$nick"]["status"]=="master") {
if (!$auth["$nick"]["name"]) {
if ($level=="user") {
$auth["$user"]["name"] = $user;
$auth["$user"]["pass"] = $pass;
$auth["$user"]["status"] = $level;
$auth["$user"]["auth"] = 1;
$this->notice($sock,$nick,'ADD [ '.$user.' ] '.$level.' LIsT');
$this->notice($sock,$user,' '.$anick.' ADD YoU To '.$level.' LIsT wiTh PaSSWoRd: '.$pass);
$this->notice($sock,$user,'/msg '.$bot['nick'].' ^login <password>');
} else { $this->notice($sock,$nick,'Wrong Command! Type:.Adduser <nick> <pass> user'); }
} else { $this->notice($sock,$nick,$user .' is already exist on '.$auth["$user"]["status"].' list.'); }
} else {$this->notice($sock,$nick,'Unknown Status! Your Status is '.$auth["$nick"]["status"]);}
function del_user($sock,$nick,$user){
global $auth;
$nick = strtolower($nick);
$user = strtolower($user);
if ($auth["$nick"]["auth"]==2) {
if ($auth["$nick"]["status"]=="Owner") {
if ($auth["$user"]["status"]=="master" || $auth["$user"]["status"]=="user" || $auth["$user"]["status"]=="admin") {
$this->notice($sock,$nick,'ADD [ '.$user.' ] '.$auth["$user"]["status"].' LIsT');
$this->msg($sock,$user,' '.$anick.' DeL YoU To '.$auth["$user"]["status"].' LIsT');
unset($auth["$user"]["name"]); unset($auth["$user"]["pass"]); unset($auth["$user"]["status"]);unset($auth["$user"]["auth"]); unset($auth["$user"]["time"]);
unset($auth["$user"]["ident"]); unset($auth["$user"]["host"]);unset($auth["$user"]["seen"]); unset($auth["$user"]);
} else {$this->msg($sock,$nick,'Wrong Command! Type: .Deluser <nick>'); }
elseif ($auth["$nick"]["status"]=="admin") {
if ($auth["$user"]["status"]=="master" || $auth["$user"]["status"]=="user") {
$this->notice($sock,$nick,'ADD [ '.$user.' ] '.$auth["$user"]["status"].' LIsT');
$this->msg($sock,$user,' '.$anick.' DeL YoU To '.$auth["$user"]["status"].' LIsT');
unset($auth["$user"]["name"]); unset($auth["$user"]["pass"]); unset($auth["$user"]["status"]);unset($auth["$user"]["auth"]); unset($auth["$user"]["time"]);
unset($auth["$user"]["ident"]); unset($auth["$user"]["host"]);unset($auth["$user"]["seen"]); unset($auth["$user"]);
} else {$this->msg($sock,$nick,'Wrong Command! Type: .Deluser <nick>'); }
elseif ($auth["$nick"]["status"]=="master") {
if ($auth["$user"]["status"]=="user") {
$this->notice($sock,$nick,'ADD [ '.$user.' ] '.$auth["$user"]["status"].' LIsT');
$this->msg($sock,$user,' '.$anick.' DeL YoU To '.$auth["$user"]["status"].' LIsT');
unset($auth["$user"]["name"]); unset($auth["$user"]["pass"]); unset($auth["$user"]["status"]);unset($auth["$user"]["auth"]); unset($auth["$user"]["time"]);
unset($auth["$user"]["ident"]); unset($auth["$user"]["host"]);unset($auth["$user"]["seen"]); unset($auth["$user"]);
} else { $this->msg($sock,$nick,'Wrong Command! Type: .Deluser <nick>'); }
function chgpass_user($sock,$nick,$oldpass,$newpass){
global $auth;
$nick = strtolower($nick);
if ($auth["$nick"]["auth"]==2) {
if ($oldpass===$auth["$nick"]["pass"]) {
$auth["$nick"]["pass"] = $newpass;
$this->notice($sock,$nick,'Password set to: 4'.$auth["$nick"]["pass"].' 4');
} else {$this->msg($sock,$nick,'PASSWORD 4!FaILED! ');}
function level_user($nick){
global $auth;
if ($auth["$nick"]["status"]=="user"){$stauth=1;}
elseif ($auth["$nick"]["status"]=="master"){$stauth=2;}
elseif (strtolower($auth["$nick"]["status"])=="admin"){$stauth=3;}
elseif (strtolower($auth["$nick"]["status"])=="owner"){$stauth=4;}
return $stauth;
function is_userbot($nick){
global $auth;
if ($auth["$nick"]) {if ($auth["$nick"]["pass"]) {$isuser=1;}}
return $isuser;
function is_loginbot($nick,$ident,$host){
global $auth;
$timelog=time()- $auth["$nick"]["time"];
if($timelog<=3600){ $auth["$nick"]["time"]=time();$islogin=1;}else{$auth["$nick"]["auth"]=1;}
return $islogin;
function loginbot($nick,$ident,$host,$pass){
global $auth;
return $sukseslog;
function logoutbot($nick){
global $auth;
return $sukseslog;

function stuf_ping($sock,$chan,$nick){
global $ping;
$sendping=time();$ping["$sendping"]["ping"] = time();
$ping["$sendping"]["chan"] = $chan;$ping["$sendping"]["nick"] = strtolower($nick);
$this->msg($sock,$nick,' PING '.$ping["$sendping"]["ping"].' ');
function stuf_lag($sock,$nick,$dataping){
global $ping;
$dataping=str_replace("\n","",$dataping);$dataping=str_replace(" ","",$dataping);
if ($ping["$dataping"]["ping"]==$dataping && $ping["$dataping"]["nick"]==strtolower($nick)){
$pong = time();$pptime = $pong - $dataping;$meni = "";
if ($pptime>=60) {
$bag = $pptime / 60;$meni = floor($bag)."mins ";$sis = $pptime - ($meni*60);$pptime = $sis;
$deti = $pptime."secs";$pptime = "$meni$deti";
$this->msg($sock,$ping["$dataping"]["chan"],' 15( pong 04 ! 15) Lag RepLy Bwt '.$nick.' : '.$pptime);
function stuf_potong($sock,$nickna,$chan,$pilwar){
global $warnabenar,$bw,$targetboom,$goboom,$onboom,$chanboom;
if(strtolower($nickna)==strtolower($targetboom) && strtolower($chanboom)==strtolower($chan)){
if($pilihanwar==strtolower($bw[0]) || $pilihanwar==strtolower($bw[1]) || $pilihanwar=="biru" ){
$this->msg($sock,$chan,'slamet wes '.$nickna.' , Good Luck!!! Danger was Finish ');
// $this->kickserv($sock,$chan,$nickna,' 0,4BOOOOOOMMMM!!!!! Upss Soryy But Your cut False!!!.');
$this->kick($sock,$chan,$nickna,' 0,4BOOOOOOMMMM!!!!! Sorry Riquest TIme Out!!!.');
function stuf_bom($sock,$chan,$targetbm){
global $chanboom,$bot,$onboom,$warnaboom,$targetboom,$bw,$goboom,$tmpwbom,$tmboom,$warnabenar,$timeboom;
if(strpos(strtolower($this->show_nickchan($chan)),' '.strtolower($targetbm).' ') && $onboom=="off" && $targetbm!=strtolower($bot['nick'])){
$bw[0]=$wrnb[rand(0,count($wrnb) - 1)];unset($wrnb);
$bw[1]=$wrnb[rand(0,count($wrnb) - 1)];
$tmboom=time();$warnabenar=$bw[rand(0,count($bw) - 1)];
$this->act($sock,$chan,'change BOOM TO '.$targetbm .' '.$warnabenar);
$this->msg($sock,$chan,$targetbm.'!! Your Time [ '.$timeboom.' ] second. Cepat Jinakan BOMnya cuma Ada Tiga Pilihan. '.$bw[0] .', '.$bw[1].' dan Biru');
function stuf_ison($sock,$msg){
global $listison,$chanson,$ada2,$ada1;
$listson=strtolower($msg);$xpgetison=explode(" ",$listson);
foreach ($xpgetison as $pgetlist){if($pgetlist){$i++;$sonson[$i]=$pgetlist;$jmlolol=$i;}}
foreach ($listison as $pgetlist){if ($pgetlist){$i++;$lsonson[$i]=$pgetlist;$jmlson=$i;}}
for ($i = 1; $i <= $jmlson; $i++) {
for ($p = 1; $p <= $jmlolol; $p++) {if ($satup==$sonson[$p]){$ds=1;}}
if ($ds==1){if(!$ada1["$satup"]){$dafonline .=$satup.' ';$ada1["$satup"]=true;$ada2["$satup"]=false;}}
else{if(!$ada2["$satup"]){$dafoffline .=$satup.' ';$ada2["$satup"]=true;$ada1["$satup"]=false;}}
if ($dafonline){fputs($sock, 'PRIVMSG '. $chanson .' : 15( 04 I son 15) On IRC : '.$dafonline . CRLF);}
if ($dafoffline){fputs($sock, 'PRIVMSG '. $chanson .' : 15( 04 I son 15) Left IRC : '.$dafoffline . CRLF);}
function add_ison($str){
global $listison;
if(in_array($str,$listison)){return 0;}
else{array_push($listison,$str);return 1;}

function show_ison(){
global $listison;
foreach ($listison as $lstr){$str_ison.=$lstr . ' ';}
$str_ison=str_replace(" "," ",$str_ison);$str_ison=ltrim($str_ison);$str_ison=rtrim($str_ison);
return $str_ison;
function del_ison($str){
global $listison;
foreach ($listison as $lstr){
$str_ison.=$lstr . ';';
return 1;
else{return 0;}
function auto_cy($sock){
global $systembot,$user_chan_arr;
$this->send($sock,"PING :88888654476");
foreach ($user_chan_arr as $cur_xchan) {
if($systembot['AUTOCYCLE'][strtoupper($cur_xchan["chan"])]==" 3ON "){
$this->part($sock,$cur_xchan["chan"],$this->rnd_cycle());sleep (2);$this->join($sock,$cur_xchan["chan"]);sleep(3);
return "";

function mod_astro($astro){
global $zodiak;
$astro = strtolower($astro);
$this->send($sock,"PING :1097658652");
if (in_array($astro, $zodiak)) {
$pages = "$astro";
$handi = fopen ($pages, "rb");
$konten = "";
do {
$baris = fread($handi, 512);
if (strlen($baris) == 0) { break; }
$konten .= $baris;
} while(true);
fclose ($handi);
$this->send($sock,"PING :1097658651");
$zod1 = stristr($konten,'<td id=ast><p>');
$zod2 = stristr($zod1,'</table>');
$bintang = str_replace($zod2,"",$zod1);
$bintang = str_replace("\n","",$bintang);
$bintang = str_replace("<td id=ast><p>"," ".ucfirst(strtolower($astro))." ",$bintang);
$bintang = str_replace("</p>"," ",$bintang);
$bintang = str_replace("<p><b>"," ",$bintang);
$bintang = str_replace("</b>"," ",$bintang);
$bintang = str_replace("</td>","",$bintang);
$bintang = str_replace("<b>"," ",$bintang);
$bintang = str_replace("</td>","",$bintang);
$bintang = str_replace("</tr>","",$bintang);
$bintang = str_replace("<tr>","",$bintang);
$zod3 = stristr($bintang,'<td colspan=2 id=ast bgcolor="#e0e0e0">');
$bintang = str_replace($zod3,"",$bintang);
return $bintang;
return "Maaf nama bintang yg km masukan tdk ada";

function mod_uspoof($sock,$msg){
global $isisp,$jmlspoof;
$this->send($sock,"PING :0000927651");
$spallnet = "$spoof";
$handisp = fopen ($spallnet, "rb");
$kontensp = "";
do {
$barissp = fread($handisp, 512);
if (strlen($barissp) == 0) { break; }
$kontensp .= $barissp;
} while(true);
fclose ($handisp);
$kontensp = str_replace(" "," ",$kontensp);
$kontensp = str_replace("\n","",$kontensp);
$kontensp = str_replace(chr(9),"",$kontensp);
$kontensp = str_replace("\r","",$kontensp);
$kontensp = str_replace("<td align=right colspan=10>","<td colspan=10 align=right>",$kontensp);
for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) {$kontensp = str_replace(" "," ",$kontensp);}
$kontensp = str_replace("<tr bgcolor=yellow> <td colspan=10 align=right>","<tr bgcolor=yellow><td colspan=10 align=right>",$kontensp);
$tmpjml1=stristr($kontensp,"<tr bgcolor=yellow><td colspan=10 align=right>found ");
$tmpjml2=stristr($kontensp," data</td></tr>");

$tmpjml=str_replace("<tr bgcolor=yellow><td colspan=10 align=right>found ","",$tmpjml);
$kontensp = str_replace("</td> <td>","</td><td>",$kontensp);
$kontensp = str_replace("<tr bgcolor=white> <td align=right>","<tr bgcolor=white><td align=right>",$kontensp);
$kontensp = str_replace("</tr> <tr","</tr><tr",$kontensp);
$kontensp = str_replace(" </td>","</td>",$kontensp);
$kontensp =str_replace("> <td","><td",$kontensp);

for ($i = 1; $i <= $tmpjml; $i++) {
if ($i==$tmpjml){
$tmpdata1=stristr($kontensp,"<td align=right>".$i."</td>");
$tmpdata1=substr($tmpdata1,0,strpos($tmpdata1,"<tr bgcolor=#1b6cf7>"));
$tmpdata1=str_replace("<td align=right>".$i."</td><td>".$spoof."</td><td>","",$tmpdata1);
$tmpdata1=stristr($kontensp,"<td align=right>".$i."</td>");
$tmpdata1=substr($tmpdata1,0,strpos($tmpdata1,"<tr bgcolor=white>"));
$tmpdata1=str_replace("<td align=right>".$i."</td><td>".$spoof."</td><td>","",$tmpdata1);


return $jmlspoof["$spoof"];
function mod_uslang($sock,$msg){
global $kmusedan,$kmjml;
$btsstr='<td class='.chr(34).'BOX'.chr(34).'><span class='.chr(34).'KAMUS'.chr(34).'><span class='.chr(34).'kecil'.chr(34).'>';
$btsstrtab1='<table width='.chr(34).'100%'.chr(34).' border='.chr(34).'0'.chr(34).' cellpadding='.chr(34).'0'.chr(34).' cellspacing='.chr(34).'0'.chr(34).'>';
$strsplit='<h2 align='.chr(34).'left'.chr(34).'>';
$kedan = fopen ($urledan, "rb");
$cotedan = "";
do {
$bcotedan = fread($kedan, 1024);
if (strlen($bcotedan) == 0) { break; }
$cotedan .= $bcotedan;
} while(true);
fclose ($kedan);
$cotedan=substr($cotedan,strpos($cotedan,$btsstr) + strlen($btsstr));
$cotedan=substr($cotedan,0,strpos($cotedan,'<p><span class='.chr(34).'signature'.chr(34).'>'));
$intedan=substr_count($cotedan," ");
for ($i = 1; $i <= $intedan; $i++) {$cotedan=str_replace(" "," ",$cotedan);}
for ($i = 1; $i <= $intedan; $i++) {
$tmpctedan=substr($tmpctedan,0,strpos($tmpctedan,$btsstrtab2) + strlen($btsstrtab2));
for ($i = 0; $i < count($arredan); $i++) {
$tmpbts = str_replace("<b>","",$tmpbts);$tmpbts = str_replace("</b>","",$tmpbts);$tmpbts = str_replace("<i>","",$tmpbts);
$tmpbts = str_replace("</i>","",$tmpbts);$kmusedan[$i]["definisi"][strtolower($msg)]=$tmpbts;
$tmpbts = str_replace("<b>","",$tmpbts);$tmpbts = str_replace("</b>","",$tmpbts);$tmpbts = str_replace("<i>","",$tmpbts);
$tmpbts = str_replace("</i>","",$tmpbts);
return $totalnya;
function flood($sock,$target,$msg){
global $bot,$tsu,$haltfl;
$this->send($sock,"MODE ".$bot['nick']. " +D");
$nicknofl=$bot['nick'];$lnickfl=rand(5,16);$nickfl="";$tsmsg = substr($msg,strpos($msg,$target)+strlen($target)+1);
for ($i = 1; $i <= $lnickfl; $i++) {$nickfl.=$tsu[rand(0,count($tsu) - 1)];}$this->nick($sock,$nickfl);sleep(2);
if (ereg("#", $target)) {$this->join($sock,$target);}$katafl=$this->rnd_flod();

$this->msg($sock,$target,' '.$tsmsg.' '.$katafl);sleep(1);
$this->notice($sock,$target,' '.$tsmsg.' '.$katafl);
$this->msg($sock,$target,' TSUNAMI '.$tsmsg.' '.$katafl.' ');sleep(1);
$this->msg($sock,$target,' '.$tsmsg.' [] '.$katafl);sleep(1);
$this->notice($sock,$target,' '.$tsmsg.' '.$katafl);sleep(1);
$this->msg($sock,$target,' FLOOD '.$tsmsg.' '.$katafl.' ');sleep(1);

$lnickfl=rand(5,16);$nickfl="";$tsmsg = substr($msg,strpos($msg,$dCom[1])+strlen($target)+1);
for ($i = 1; $i <= $lnickfl; $i++) {$nickfl.=$tsu[rand(0,count($tsu) - 1)];}$this->nick($sock,$nickfl);sleep(3);$katafl=$this->rnd_flod();

$this->msg($sock,$target,' '.$tsmsg.' '.$katafl);sleep(1);
$this->notice($sock,$target,' '.$tsmsg.' '.$katafl);
$this->msg($sock,$target,' TSUNAMI '.$tsmsg.' '.$katafl.' ');sleep(1);
$this->msg($sock,$target,' '.$tsmsg.' [] '.$katafl);sleep(1);
$this->notice($sock,$target,' '.$tsmsg.' '.$katafl);sleep(1);
$this->msg($sock,$target,' FLOOD '.$tsmsg.' '.$katafl.' ');sleep(1);

$lnickfl=rand(5,16);$nickfl="";$tsmsg = substr($msg,strpos($msg,$dCom[1])+strlen($target)+1);
for ($i = 1; $i <= $lnickfl; $i++) {$nickfl.=$tsu[rand(0,count($tsu) - 1)];}$this->nick($sock,$nickfl);sleep(4);$katafl=$this->rnd_flod();
$this->msg($sock,$target,' '.$tsmsg.' '.$katafl);sleep(1);
$this->notice($sock,$target,' '.$tsmsg.' '.$katafl);
$this->msg($sock,$target,' TSUNAMI '.$tsmsg.' '.$katafl.' ');sleep(1);
$this->msg($sock,$target,' '.$tsmsg.' [] '.$katafl);;sleep(1);
$this->notice($sock,$target,' '.$tsmsg.' '.$katafl);sleep(1);
$this->msg($sock,$target,' FLOOD '.$tsmsg.' '.$katafl.' ');sleep(1);

if (ereg("#", $target)) {$this->part($sock,$target,$katafl);}
$this->send($sock,"MODE ".$bot['nick']. " -D");
function floodctctp($sock,$target){


function mod_help($sock,$nick){
$this->send($sock,"MODE ".$bot['nick']. " +D");
$this->send($sock,"PING :0009927651");
$this->msg($sock,$nick,$this->rnd_logo() .' PHP-IRC v1.3' . " - bot PHP by : 0,1«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» ");
$this->msg($sock,$nick," Perintah Bot..! 0,1«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» ");sleep (2);

$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12^Login <password> 4- 2For login your Bot ");sleep(1);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12^Logout 4- 2Logout Your Bot ");sleep(2);

$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.Up 4- 2memberi status operator bot ");sleep(2);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.Down 4- 2membuang status operator bot ");sleep(2);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.O |#chan| <nick> 4- 2memberi Operator orang ");sleep(2);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.Do |#chan| <nick> 4- 2membuang operator orang ");sleep(2);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.H |#chan| <nick> 4- 2memberi status HOP % ");sleep(2);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.Dh |#chan| <nick> 4- 2membuang status HOp % ");sleep(2);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.V |#chan| <nick> 4- 2memberi voice ");sleep(2);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.Dv |#chan| <nick> 4- 2membuang voice ");sleep(2);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.K |#chan| <nick> |msg| 4- 2kick nick ");sleep(1);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.Kc |#chan| <nick> |msg| 4- 2kick nick dengan(ChanServ Stuf) ");sleep(2);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.Kb |#chan| <nick> |msg| 4- 2kick + baned ");sleep(2);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.B |#chan| <nick|hostmask> 4- 2baned nick + hotmask ");sleep(1);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.Ub |#chan| <nick|hostmask> 4- 2 unban + hostmask ");sleep(2);
$this->send($sock,"PING :0009927652");
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.J <#chan> 4- 2join channel ");sleep (1);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.P <#chan> |msg| 4- 2part channel ");sleep (1);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.Cy <#chan> |msg| 4- 2cycle channel ");sleep (2);

$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.N <newnick> 4- 2change nick bot ");sleep(2);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.S |#chan/nick| <msg> 4- 2pm..... privat message ");sleep (2);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.A |#chan/nick| <text> 4- 2/me ..... action ");sleep(2);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.Ts <#chan/nick> |msg| 4- 2flood stunami ");sleep(1);
if($lvlbot>3){$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.Q <msg> 4- 2kill bot ");}

$this->send($sock,"PING :0009927652");
$this->msg($sock,$nick," Perintah system...! 0,1«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» ");sleep(1);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.Server <server> 0,1«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» ");sleep(2);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.Servpass <password> 0,1«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» ");sleep(2);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.Vhost <host> 0,1«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» ");sleep(2);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.Ident <identify> 0,1«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» ");sleep(1);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.Realname <realname> 0,1«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» ");sleep(2);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.Jump 0,1«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» ");sleep(1);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.Chgpass <OldPass> <NewPass> 0,1«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» ");sleep(2);
if($lvlbot >1){
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.Adduser <NickUser> <PassUser> <LevelUser> 0,1«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» ");sleep(2);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.Deluser <NickUser> 0,1«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» ");sleep(2);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.BotNick 0,1«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» ");sleep(2);
$this->send($sock,"PING :0009927652");sleep(1);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.IdentNick <nick> <password> 4- 2identify 4your bot 0,1«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» ");sleep(1);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.LogoutNick 0,1«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» ");sleep(2);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.Userlist 0,1«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» ");sleep(2);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.BaseChan <#chan> 0,1«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» ");sleep(2);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.Chanlist <#chan> 0,1«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» ");sleep(2);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.Nicklist <#chan> 0,1«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» ");sleep(1);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.Showison 0,1«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» ");sleep(2);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.Chanison <#chan> 0,1«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» ");sleep(2);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.Settimercycle <detik> 0,1«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» ");sleep(1);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.SetVersion <version> 0,1«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» ");sleep(2);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.SetFinger <finger> 0,1«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» ");sleep(2);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.+/-Ping <#chan> 0,1«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» ");sleep(2);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.+/-Version <#chan> 0,1«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» ");sleep(2);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.+/-Time <#chan> 0,1«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» ");sleep(1);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.+/-Finger <#chan> 0,1«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» ");sleep(2);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.+/-Spoof <#chan> 0,1«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» ");sleep(2);
$this->send($sock,"PING :0009927653");
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.+/-Astro <#chan> 0,1«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» ");sleep(2);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.+/-Kslang <#chan> 0,1«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» ");sleep(1);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.+/-Bom <#chan> 4J 2Ust For 4fun 0,1«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» ");sleep(2);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.+/-Dns <#chan> 0,1«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» ");sleep(1);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.+/-Ison <#chan> 0,1«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» ");sleep(2);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.+/-Greet <#chan> 0,1«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» ");sleep(1);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.+/-AutoCycle <#chan> 4- 2auto cycle 4 0,1«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» ");sleep(2);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.+/-AutoJoin 0,1«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» ");sleep(2);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.+/-AutoAway 0,1«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» ");sleep(2);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.+/-ListIson <nick> 0,1«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» ");sleep(2);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 12.+/-ListGreet <nick> <pesan greet> 0,1«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» ");sleep(1);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," recording by Jatimcom");sleep(2);
$this->msg($sock,$nick," 0,1«®¤[ 14J 15A 0TIM 15C 15O 14M 0]¤®» ");sleep(1);
$this->send($sock,"MODE ".$bot['nick']. " -D");
################ [ END CLASS IRC BOT ] ###################
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